In a candid revelation during a recent promotional interview, renowned filmmaker Rohit Shetty opened up about the box office disappointment of his latest venture, Cirkus, featuring the talented Ranveer Singh and Pooja Hegde. Despite boasting an ensemble cast, the film struggled to lure audiences to the theaters, leaving Shetty to reflect on their missteps.
Acknowledging his commitment to surrounding himself with honest individuals, Shetty admitted that he readily recognizes when a film falls short of expectations. With this self-awareness, he firmly asserted that both triumphs and failures ultimately rest on his shoulders. Rather than evading responsibility, Shetty emphasized the futility of shifting blame, recognizing that successes like Singham and Golmaal were his own, just as the failures of Zameen, Dilwale, and Cirkus were also his to bear.
Unafraid to confront the reality of their missteps, Shetty acknowledged that somewhere along the way, the team went astray during the making of Cirkus. The movie, produced amidst the challenging backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, was crafted shortly after the blockbuster success of Sooryavanshi, aimed at catering to the specific tastes of the audience during that period. Shetty reflected that it was a smaller-scale film, tailor-made for the unique circumstances prevailing at the time.
By accepting accountability and refusing to shy away from their shortcomings, Rohit Shetty exemplifies a director who takes both success and failure in stride. As he moves forward in his illustrious career, it is this honesty and self-reflection that will continue to shape his future endeavors, ensuring that each cinematic creation is a testament to his unwavering commitment to the craft.